Uzine Park


Born in Seoul, South Korea
Lives in Utrecht, Netherlands
Date of birth 08,12,1977


2014      M.A. in HKU, Utrecht, Netherlands
2004      M.F.A in Hongik Univ, Seoul, South Korea
2002      B.A. of Fine Art in Hongik Univ, Seoul, South Korea
2000      Exchange program, École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France


lecturer in Hongik Univ.(fine art Dep)                                                                  2012, 2011, 2007, South Korea
/oil painting, drawing, basic 3d composition
lecturer in Seoul national Education Univ.(art education Dep)                            2012, South Korea
/acrylic painting
lecturer in Kay-Won arts high school Fine arts dep                                             2003~2012, South Korea
/water color painting, acrylic painting, oil painting, drawing
lecturer in Seoul arts center Children art acdemi                                                2006, 2009, 2010, South Korea
/art by vegetable, upcycle fabric(cloth) art
lecturer in Seoul national Education Univ. talented children art academy           2011, South Korea
Working Artist(Golden Artist colour -USA)                                                           2007-2012, South Korea
/How to use acrylic mediums, grounds, paint


2012     Danwon art contest association, South Korea
2011     Hanseong Baekje art contest association, South Korea
2007     Arts council Korea grant for Supporting young artists, South Korea
2007     Song-eun Arts & Culture foundation grant for gallery free lease, South Korea


Solo Exhibition
2012     Scion Garden, Gallery Cola, Seoul, South Korea
2010     Restoring vitality, Noam Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2007    " I will protect You.”, Song-eun Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2006     Beautiful Mutant, Gallery NV, Seoul, South Korea
2005     Role playing, Noam Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Foto's van Uzine Park