Martijn Versteeg

Schilder en Tekenaar

Discipline: Beeldende kunst


Martijn Versteeg is a figurative artist who focuses on graphite and charcoal on paper. His drawings are made by the combination of emotion and concept. Although every peace of art is unique, his artwork can be categorised as ‘figurative’ and is easily recog- nisable by its typical realistic style of drawing.
This figurative style of drawing has its origin in the artist’s desire of perfection. The road to perfection is a process of precision, which typifies Martijn Versteeg as an artist.

The preferred media for the drawings are large, where all portraits are worked out in extreme detail. This perfection is reflected in everything: from searching for a model, light and composition, to the choice of material and size. All this makes it an intensive work, parallel to the time it takes to finish a drawing of several months.

The motivation of striving for precision comes from the power that one experiences in admiring the view of perfection. Seeing a life-sized portrait gives an intense experience. The intensive and precise effort can be seen in each small detail. This gives a magical feeling. In addition, experience shows that the obser- ver is pulled like a magnet towards the portrait.

The works can be recognised by contrasting re- presentations, with the majority including human portraits with an extremely evident likeliness. The faces are presented with a central composition on a dark background. Thanks to the composition and lighting, the eye is being led through the artwork. This method is a way to a perfect harmony, it gives the viewers an appreciation of real and pure beauty, and tells the stories behind the drawings, based on their observation.